Mainframe Blog

XML Schema Repository Tables in Db2 12

3 minute read
Stephen Watts

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Column name Data type Description
COMPONENT BLOB(30M) Contents of the XML schema document


Contains one row for each registered XML schema

Column name Data type Description
XSROBJECTID INTEGER Internal identifier of the XML schema. XSROBJECTID is generated as an identity column


VARCHAR(128) Qualifier of XML schema name. Always set to ‘SYSSXR’


VARCHAR(128) Name of the XML schema


INTEGER Value of STRINGID column inSYSXMLSTRINGS when target namespace URL of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS


INTEGER Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when schema location URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS
ROWID ROWID ID that is used to support BLOB data type values
GRAMMAR BLOB(250M) The internal binary representation of the XML schema
PROPERTIES BLOB(5M) Additional property information of the entire XML schema
CREATEDBY VARCHAR(128) Authorization ID under which the XML schema was created
CREATEDTS TIMESTAMP Time that DB2-supplied stored procedure XSR_REGISTER was executed for XML schema
STATUS CHAR(1) Registration status of the XML schema:

C Complete

I Incomplete

T Temporary

RELCREATED CHAR(1) The release of DB2 that is used to create the object
CHAR(1) Not used
VARHCAR(128) Not used
REMARKS VARCHAR(762) Character string that contains comments about XML schema


Contains one row for each component (document) in an XML schema

Column name Data type Description
XSRCOMPONENTID INTEGER Identifier of XML schema document. XSRCOMPONENTID is generated as an identity column
TARGETNAMESPACE INTEGER Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when target namespace URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS
SCHEMALOCATION INTEGER Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when schema location URI of the primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS
ROWID ROWID ID that is used to support BLOB data type values
COMPONENT BLOB(30M) Contents of the XML schema document
PROPERTIES BLOB(5M) Additional property information of the XML schema document
CREATEDTS TIMESTAMP Time XML schema document was registered
STATUS CHAR(1) Registration status of the XML schema:

C Complete

I Incomplete

RELCREATED CHAR(1) The release of DB2 that is used to create the object


An auxiliary table for the BLOB column GRAMMAR in SYSIBM.SYSXSROBJECTS

Column name Data type Description
GRAMMAR BLOB(250M) Internal binary representation of the XML schema


SYSIBM.XSROBJECTHIERARCHIES contains one rule for each component (document) in an XML schema to record the XML schema document hierarchy relationships

Column name Data type Description
XSROBJECTID INTEGER Internal identifier of the XML schema
XSRCOMPONENTID INTEGER Internal identifier of the XML schema document
HTYPE CHAR(1) Hierarchy type:

D Document

P Primary document

TARGETNAMESPACE INTEGER Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when target namespace URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS
SCHEMALOCATION INTEGER Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when schema location URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS
RELCREATED CHAR(1) The release of DB2 that is used to create the object


An auxiliary table for the BLOB column PROPERTIES in SYSIBM.SYSXSROBJECTS

Column name Data type Description
PROPERTIES BLOB(5M) Contents of the additional property information of the entire XML schema



Column name Data type Description
PROPERTIES BLOB(5M) Contents of additional property information of the XML schema document

Disclaimer: This Db2® 12 for z/OS Reference Guide was developed to help users in their daily activities in administrating and programming in Db2 for z/OS. There are no guarantees expressed or implied with the contents in this guide. We want to provide a quality and useful reference for users. Please notify us of any mistakes or errors in this reference guide at [email protected]. Db2 is a registered trademark of the IBM Corporation.

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About the author

Stephen Watts

Stephen Watts (Birmingham, AL) contributes to a variety of publications including, Search Engine Journal, ITSM.Tools, IT Chronicles, DZone, and CompTIA.