(This article is part of our Db2 Guide. Use the right-hand menu to navigate.)
Column name | Data type | Description |
COMPONENT | BLOB(30M) | Contents of the XML schema document |
Contains one row for each registered XML schema
Column name | Data type | Description |
XSROBJECTID | INTEGER | Internal identifier of the XML schema. XSROBJECTID is generated as an identity column |
XSROBJECT SCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Qualifier of XML schema name. Always set to ‘SYSSXR’ |
XSROBJECT NAME | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the XML schema |
TARGET NAMESPACE | INTEGER | Value of STRINGID column inSYSXMLSTRINGS when target namespace URL of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS |
SCHEMA LOCATION | INTEGER | Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when schema location URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS |
ROWID | ROWID | ID that is used to support BLOB data type values |
GRAMMAR | BLOB(250M) | The internal binary representation of the XML schema |
PROPERTIES | BLOB(5M) | Additional property information of the entire XML schema |
CREATEDBY | VARCHAR(128) | Authorization ID under which the XML schema was created |
CREATEDTS | TIMESTAMP | Time that DB2-supplied stored procedure XSR_REGISTER was executed for XML schema |
STATUS | CHAR(1) | Registration status of the XML schema: C Complete I Incomplete T Temporary |
RELCREATED | CHAR(1) | The release of DB2 that is used to create the object |
CHAR(1) | Not used | |
VARHCAR(128) | Not used | |
REMARKS | VARCHAR(762) | Character string that contains comments about XML schema |
Contains one row for each component (document) in an XML schema
Column name | Data type | Description |
XSRCOMPONENTID | INTEGER | Identifier of XML schema document. XSRCOMPONENTID is generated as an identity column |
TARGETNAMESPACE | INTEGER | Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when target namespace URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS |
SCHEMALOCATION | INTEGER | Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when schema location URI of the primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS |
ROWID | ROWID | ID that is used to support BLOB data type values |
COMPONENT | BLOB(30M) | Contents of the XML schema document |
PROPERTIES | BLOB(5M) | Additional property information of the XML schema document |
CREATEDTS | TIMESTAMP | Time XML schema document was registered |
STATUS | CHAR(1) | Registration status of the XML schema: C Complete I Incomplete |
RELCREATED | CHAR(1) | The release of DB2 that is used to create the object |
An auxiliary table for the BLOB column GRAMMAR in SYSIBM.SYSXSROBJECTS
Column name | Data type | Description |
GRAMMAR | BLOB(250M) | Internal binary representation of the XML schema |
SYSIBM.XSROBJECTHIERARCHIES contains one rule for each component (document) in an XML schema to record the XML schema document hierarchy relationships
Column name | Data type | Description |
XSROBJECTID | INTEGER | Internal identifier of the XML schema |
XSRCOMPONENTID | INTEGER | Internal identifier of the XML schema document |
HTYPE | CHAR(1) | Hierarchy type: D Document P Primary document |
TARGETNAMESPACE | INTEGER | Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when target namespace URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS |
SCHEMALOCATION | INTEGER | Value of STRINGID column in SYSXMLSTRINGS when schema location URI of primary XML schema document is stored in SYSXMLSTRINGS |
RELCREATED | CHAR(1) | The release of DB2 that is used to create the object |
An auxiliary table for the BLOB column PROPERTIES in SYSIBM.SYSXSROBJECTS
Column name | Data type | Description |
PROPERTIES | BLOB(5M) | Contents of the additional property information of the entire XML schema |
Column name | Data type | Description |
PROPERTIES | BLOB(5M) | Contents of additional property information of the XML schema document |
Disclaimer: This Db2® 12 for z/OS Reference Guide was developed to help users in their daily activities in administrating and programming in Db2 for z/OS. There are no guarantees expressed or implied with the contents in this guide. We want to provide a quality and useful reference for users. Please notify us of any mistakes or errors in this reference guide at [email protected]. Db2 is a registered trademark of the IBM Corporation.