Digital transformation requires being proactive. And modernizing software and applications is a...
The Business of IT Blog
Application developer: Roles and responsibilities to become a...
With enterprise organizations feeling the pressure to deploy applications faster and more...
The chief information security officer (CISO) role explained
Information security is a top concern for business organizations, as research finds that cyber...
Bring Your Own Enhancement: An addition to the BYOD policy
In its annual predictions, Gartner outlines trends that it anticipates will shape IT and businesses...
What is BCM? Basics of business continuity management explained.
In the wake of the recent unforeseen global pandemic, many organizations are thinking about what...
What Is an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?
In today’s technology-driven marketplace, delivering superior IT service management is a...
A how-to guide for the business model canvas (BMC)
Every company is a story. Anyone looking to invest in a company will need to know this story. The...
Support Your Workforce with Health Literacy
As we head deeper into the fall and winter and move toward end-of-year and holiday...