Innovation The BMC Beat Blog

Innovation at BMC Exchange 2021

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3 minute read
Puneet Suppal

Last week was my first experience with BMC Exchange, and as has become the norm in these COVID times, it was entirely virtual. I miss the days of real human interaction at events such as this, but like so many of you, I have reconciled myself to the virtual aspects that are possibly here to stay with us forever. That said, it was an experience like no other, and it was attended by folks from every continent (except Antarctica, of course).

The theme of the show was “Data-Driven Business.” As a newbie at BMC, I did not know what to expect, but there was a built-in assumption in my mind about the platitudes that we have heard, often with varying themes, from several software companies, regarding the generation, consumption, and use of big data. However, that was not the case.

This event went way beyond that. Session after session focused on the real-world application of technology so we could make better sense of the data we keep generating and accumulating. And what stood out in all of this was the clear and demonstrable theme of innovation that was fueling the constant evolution of solutions to equip our customers for their respective digital transformation journey.

In his keynote remarks about BMC customer ING Bank Slaski, BMC CEO Ayman Sayed said that its developers were able to “move from maintaining apps to focusing on innovation for new revenue opportunities and even better service for their millions of customers” by working with BMC solutions. Innovation is important to our customers, and that’s how we approach our business. Starting with Ayman’s keynote and all the way up to the last live demo session of the Control-M Python Client, innovation was clearly the story of the event (DJ Eko’s music mix was also an exercise in innovation!).

In his keynote remarks, BMC CPO Ali Siddiqui gave examples of how BMC products are delivering value to our customers, saying, “Innovation continues to be our mantra as we build and deliver a modern and industry leading portfolio with products that drive you and your team’s success.”

Innovation at BMC Exchange 2021

BMC CTO Ram Chakravarti’s keynote remarks made it clear where this innovation was being fueled from—the BMC Innovation Labs. In describing its intent, he said, “We want to help you yield value from your data-heavy, technologically complex situations and make the most of your existing investments.” Further, in a no-holds-barred, lively Q & A session, he said, “BMC’s innovation agenda is bold and ambitious, and powering the data-driven enterprise is the centerpiece of our innovation aspirations.”

One such example is BMC Helix Log Analytics, which allows log data to be enriched with contextual data to provide actionable insights and optimize IT operations for the most complex enterprises. This has been made possible because of the work done in the BMC Innovation Labs, and one BMC Exchange session features an in-depth discussion of how it can drive efficiencies.

Another example is BMC Helix IoT Edge. It was introduced last year and is ready to extend monitoring and management of edge infrastructure, devices, and software to keep data and actions where they are needed. If you think about the proliferation of devices and data combined with the ever-growing need for agility and speed, this capability is key to succeeding in this realm. In a fireside chat with innovation preferred partner CyberMAK Information systems hosted by Sam Lakkundi (VP of Innovation at BMC), we learned how a large fleet management company is driving significant operational efficiencies with just such a solution.

The fact that we are serious about innovation and value it immensely was demonstrated by the cross-industry group of awesome BMC Innovation Awards winners. Our spirit of co-innovating with partners and customers was perhaps best described by innovation preferred partner CyberMAK Information Systems. In the words of its CTO, Tasnim Pithapurwala, “The BMC Innovations Labs Team…Hat’s off to you guys! You have been the most collaborative…partner. Every time there was a challenge, you all have come up with a solution working with us and the customer as a team. So, that has…made this all come together.”

At BMC, delivering on the promise of an Autonomous Digital Enterprise is an exciting reality we live daily. It is happening. Come collaborate with BMC Innovation Labs to create your digital future. Check out the entire range of sessions from BMC Exchange 2021 on demand to experience for yourself how integral innovation is to all our BMC solutions—it’s free to register!

Bringing New Ideas to Life

The BMC Innovation Labs is a critical piece of BMC’s commitment to cultivating new and innovative thinking and ideas. It provides an environment for employees, partners and customers to come together to engage on ideas that will help meet our customers’ future needs.
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These postings are my own and do not necessarily represent BMC's position, strategies, or opinion.

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BMC empowers 86% of the Forbes Global 50 to accelerate business value faster than humanly possible. Our industry-leading portfolio unlocks human and machine potential to drive business growth, innovation, and sustainable success. BMC does this in a simple and optimized way by connecting people, systems, and data that power the world’s largest organizations so they can seize a competitive advantage.
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About the author

Puneet Suppal

Puneet Suppal is a seasoned IT strategist and thought leader who specializes in driving business value by aligning people, technology, and business processes. He is committed to evangelizing technology solutions across several paradigms - real-time business advantage, automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT.

Besides publishing on the importance of business processes, and digital solutions, he speaks and presents at events worldwide and via digital media.