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Maximize your investment with IBM® zSystems by strengthening your mainframe processes. BMC Automated Mainframe Intelligence (AMI) helps you achieve cloud flexibility and mainframe simplicity to supercharge your mainframe workforce productivity and give you the competitive edge.

Innovate faster with Mainframe DevOps

Mainframe development, testing, and deployment tools help you innovate, test, and improve code faster than ever.

connect host communications interface
BMC AMI security

Protect the business with Mainframe Security

Defend your mainframe against vulnerabilities, insider threats, and data theft by commanding security in real time.

Maintain constant uptime with Mainframe AIOps

AI and automation keep business services available and efficient with predictive, automated, probable cause analysis and embedded expertise.

BMC AMI insight classification
Urban code deploy

Maintain availability and accuracy with Mainframe DataOps

Safely and securely manage your data while keeping applications running smoothly.