Control-M Innovation Roadshow
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zu den BMC Control-M Tagen 2024.
Was erwartet Sie?
- Kunden-Erfahrungsberichte und Erfahrungsaustausch
- Control-M Updates und Roadmap
- Neues von Helix Control-M
- Control-M Integrationen
- sowie weitere Themen
Am späten Nachmittag gibt es jeweils ein lokalspezifisches i-Tüpfelchen, während dem Sie auch Ihre Kontakte vertiefen und Diskussionen fortführen können.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Control-M Innovation Roadshow
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zu den BMC Control-M Tagen 2024.
Was erwartet Sie?
- Kunden-Erfahrungsberichte und Erfahrungsaustausch
- Control-M Updates und Roadmap
- Neues von Helix Control-M
- Control-M Integrationen
- sowie weitere Themen
Am späten Nachmittag gibt es jeweils ein lokalspezifisches i-Tüpfelchen, während dem Sie auch Ihre Kontakte vertiefen und Diskussionen fortführen können.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
AI & Big Data Expo Europe
Come see us in Amsterdam, BMC will be a Diamond Sponsor!
AI & Big Data Expo is a showcase of next-generation technologies and strategies from the world of Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, an opportunity to explore and discover the practical and successful implementation of AI & Big Data for your business.
Cloud Expo Asia
Cloud Expo Asia is attended by cloud professionals and influencers. Get a chance to receive actionable guidance and tackle cloud community challenges alongside top experts and solution providers from around the world.
Airflow Summit
BMC is a Gold Sponsor this year at Airflow Summit!
Airflow Summit is the annual conference for the worldwide community of Apache Airflow users and contributors.
BMC Helix Roadshow Stockholm
As we operate in the ever-changing digital and cloud landscape, ensuring service reliability, resiliency, and performance has never been more important. The interplay of cloud environments, distributed architectures, microservices, and huge data flows requires a new approach to service assurance — Observability and AIOps.
Join this Roadshow in Stockholm to learn how BMC Helix Solutions advance your desired business outcomes in three different ways. Learn the fundamentals of Observability and ServiceOps. From there, you’ll build on your knowledge and learn to apply the right strategy and tools that make your jobs easier and advance your desired business outcomes.
BMC Connect 2024
Discover the new BMC as you explore the innovations that will help define your success, expand your trusted product knowledge, get hands-on with the latest BMC genAI-powered solutions, network with industry experts, and create and renew connections with your peers from around the world.
User Group Event
Control-M Innovation Roadshow
Ces dernières années, le monde de la technologie s'est presque exclusivement concentré sur les données et le cloud. Mais lorsque des process métiers complexes doivent être réalisés dans des environnements de production en constante évolution, les entreprises doivent pouvoir se reposer sur un ensemble de services opérationnels fiable et stable, disposant d’un support intégré pour toutes leurs nouvelles technologies liées aux données et au Cloud. BMC Control-M vous permet de relever plus rapidement vos défis métiers & business dans ce nouveau contexte.
Aussi retrouvez-nous le 24 septembre lors d’une journée fun et interactive conçue pour vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de Control-M !
User Group Event
Control-M Innovation Roadshow
Every day, you’re challenged to do more with less. Deliver critical business services faster than ever before–check. Orchestrate application workflows in production across complex hybrid environments–check. Successfully orchestrate data pipelines with rapidly evolving tech stacks–check. With Control-M, you’ve got a platform robust enough to help you accelerate these business modernization initiatives by providing users across the organization the freedom to innovate securely within a scalable workflow orchestration framework.
Join us for a fun and interactive day designed to help you tackle business challenges more quickly and deliver maximum value with Control-M. What’s in it for you?
- Learn about the latest Control-M enhancements (self-hosted and SaaS)
- Network with dozens of peers, thought leaders, and workflow orchestration experts
- Explore the latest DataOps, cloud, and DevOps orchestration best practices
- Get a preview of future innovation in the roadmap session
Matinale FinOps du CRIP
BMC est partenaire de la matinale du CRIP dédiée aux démarches FinOps. Ces dernières se généralisent dans toutes les entreprises engagées dans la phase opérationnelle du Move to Cloud. Pour les précurseurs du FinOps, les attentes premières en termes de maîtrise et d’optimisation des coûts ont déjà été atteintes. Ils abordent une deuxième phase du FinOps pour repousser les frontières, et doter l’entreprise d’un outil industriel pour limiter la croissance des Opex. Et quid du GreeOps ? Ce sujet vous intéresse ? Rendez-vous le 17 octobre dans les locaux du CRIP !
BMC is a Gold Sponsor at Venafi.
Venafi is where the industry's most forward-thinking minds gather to shape the next era of cybersecurity: a rich, vibrant age only made possible by revolutionizing how we safeguard the modern enterprise.
This is where we forge the identity-first future. Together.
Modernizing Mainframe Applications Development
Innovation is only as fast as the slowest component of the software delivery lifecycle. Unfortunately, it’s often the mainframe that is that slowest component. Many organisations have addressed this by implementing modern methods and tooling to not only catch up to the pace of open systems, but often overtaking it. Yes, you read that right.
Join this session as we share real-world customer experiences and important lessons. We hope understanding what’s possible will provide inspiration and ignite passion for you and your organisation. You’ll learn how shifting to innovative tooling, fostering a change in the work culture and developing core of passionate explorers can form building blocks to achieving greater delivery velocity, efficiency and quality. These are not mere words. We will share jaw dropping real-world metrics to back this up.
Day in the Life
After a networking lunch, join us in an engaging session where you will part of a gamified setup of an organization trying to grow revenue and keep their operations alive. This session will put you and your role as the focus to understand the challenges faced. We will also showcase how Processes and Technology can come to help solve these challenges.
Operational Resiliency
Day in the Life
Join us for a networking lunch and when your bellies are full, participate in an engaging session where you will part of a gamified setup of an organization trying to grow revenue and keep their operations alive. This session will put you and your role as the focus to understand the challenges faced. We will also showcase how Processes and Technology can come to help solve these challenges.
Operational Resiliency
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze operational data can help solve current operational challenges while avoiding those of the future. In this session, you’ll learn how replacing reactive measures with proactive AI-driven driven insights helps inform decision making, strengthens the reliability and continuous performance of essential systems, improves mean time to resolution (MTTR) when outages do occur, and makes operations more cost-effective.
Driving Innovation with Connected Digital Ops
Every organization is trying to do more with less. This session will address how People, Process and Technology come together in defining the vision for every enterprise. Through real use cases and examples, get to know how BMC’s Connected Digital Ops is helping organizations across the globe be ready for the future while still running and leveraging their current investments.
BMC Round Table for Db2, IMA, AMI Ops & DevX
In diesem Jahr ist wie gewohnt Roundtable-Zeit im Dezember, und wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem BMC Roundtable für Db2, IMS, AMI Ops und DevX am 10. und 11. Dezember 2024 in Köln ein.
Die Veranstaltung beginnt traditionell mit einer Keynote-Session für alle vier Produktbereiche. Hier erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die BMC-Produktstrategie, ausgewählte Entwicklungsthemen und geplante Zukunftsprojekte.
Der zweite Tag startet dann für Db2, IMS, AMI Ops und DevX in separaten Meetingräumen und jeweils mit eigener Agenda. Alle Neuerungen in allen 4 Produktbereichen werden Ihnen in einzelnen Sessions ausführlich vorgestellt.
BMC Helix Roadshow Frankfurt
Da wir in einem sich ständig wandelnden digitalen Cloud-Umfeld operieren, war die Gewährleistung von Service-Zuverlässigkeit, Ausfallsicherheit und Leistungserbringung noch nie so wichtig wie Heute. Die Interaktion von Cloud-Umgebungen, verteilten Architekturen, Microservices und riesigen Datenströmen erfordert einen neuen Ansatz zur Dienstleistungssicherheit — Observability und AIOps.
Nehmen Sie an diesem Roadshow-Event in Frankfurt teil, um zu erfahren, wie die BMC Helix-Lösungen Ihre gewünschten Geschäftsergebnisse auf drei verschiedene Arten voranbringen. Lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Observability und ServiceOps kennen. Von da aus erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen und lernen, die richtige Strategie und die passenden Werkzeuge anzuwenden, um Ihre Arbeit zu erleichtern und Ihre gewünschten Geschäftsergebnisse zu fördern.