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Compfort International GmbH

CFI works directly with software vendors, develops a high level of expertise that allows us to effectively implement solutions and become a business partner for our clients.

For over 10 years on the market, CFI has developed deep BMC expertise and covering over 10 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, providing local language support and business knowledge. Since year 2009 we have implemented over 50 projects Retail, Finance, Logistic, Gas & Oil, Telecom, and IT companies. We are helping almost million users to automate their IT processes and monitor the infrastructure.

CFI - Your BMC expert in Eastern Europe.

Compfort International GmbH

CFI works directly with software vendors, develops a high level of expertise that allows us to effectively implement solutions and become a business partner for our clients.

For over 10 years on the market, CFI has developed deep BMC expertise and covering over 10 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, providing local language support and business knowledge. Since year 2009 we have implemented over 50 projects Retail, Finance, Logistic, Gas & Oil, Telecom, and IT companies. We are helping almost million users to automate their IT processes and monitor the infrastructure.

CFI - Your BMC expert in Eastern Europe.

Services Offered


Support Provider