Global Index Highlights Disparity Between Immediate Technology Investments and Future Plans
Respondents around the world highlight the immediate need for data to drive decision-making for greater efficiency, while future plans are focused on investments for agility
HOUSTON – October 21, 2020 – BMC, a global leader celebrating 40 years of delivering IT solutions for the Autonomous Digital Enterprise, today shared the initial results and insights of a global study that indexes competitiveness of organizations on their journey to becoming an Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE).
BMC commissioned 451 Research, a part of S&P Global, to perform market research to assess the perception and state of adoption of BMC's vision of an ADE. The first study of its kind surveyed business and technology leaders and practitioners from organizations across 18 industries in 11 countries.
"The challenges that organizations are facing today are unprecedented, and our ongoing research findings reflect that. Organizations around the world are making sure they have the right data to make business decisions in an uncertain market," said Carl Lehmann, Senior Research Analyst at 451 Research, a part of S&P Global. "Strategically, however, they're thinking about how to increase their business agility for the future through innovative, technological advances and adaptive operating and business models. We are seeing that the unpredictability of today's world is forcing companies to react and adjust, while they think about how to become more agile for the future."
Early research findings from surveys conducted in September and October of 2020 that are noteworthy show that:
- 41% of respondents said their organizations currently have dedicated lines of business that operate as distinct digital business domains to create and bring to market digital products and services, and 38% are currently planning or evaluating to do so. 90% of those surveyed called it out as an important, very important, or essential differentiator from their competition
- 39.4% of surveyed organizations are automating business and IT processes broadly across their operations today, but 51.7% have called it out as part of their 2-year plan, with 86% of respondents saying it is an important, very important, or essential differentiator
- 43.8% of respondents say they are executing within several lines of business a data-driven approach to decisions and operations, with 56.4% saying they will scale out their data-driven initiatives across their enterprises in the coming 2 years. Indeed, 90% of all respondents recognize it as an important-to-essential component for the competitiveness of their ADE
Shifting Lanes Along the Digital Transformation Journey
The digital competitiveness index of the 451 Research global study queried across key operating model characteristics and the technology-enabled tenets of an ADE to identify areas where organizations around the world are focusing and investing today, in comparison to where they are planning to invest and evolve over the next two years.
The study highlighted that the top areas of concern for global organizations today focused on optimizing technology buying with digital business domains and an evolved role of centralized IT for a data-driven business and a transcendent customer experience. The finding is reflective of the global business environment and market uncertainty resulting from the global pandemic, while plans for the near future are focused on automation and cybersecurity.
"The research is a good grounding for our conversations with customers," said Ram Chakravarti, Chief Technology Officer at BMC. "As they look to become more agile, we can make sure that they are also investing in technology for greater customer centricity and work raw data into actionable insights. The journey to an Autonomous Digital Enterprise is ongoing, and as the pace of change continues to accelerate, intelligence and automation will be key pillars to every organization's ability to differentiate and thrive in times of disruption."
Additional Resources:
- Join BMC executives, customers, and partners virtually at BMC Exchange 2020, visit
- To discover more about the Autonomous Digital Enterprise, visit here
About BMC
From core to cloud to edge, BMC delivers the software and services that enable over 10,000 global customers, including 84% of the Forbes Global 100, to thrive in their ongoing evolution to an Autonomous Digital Enterprise.
BMC, BMC Software, the BMC logo, and other BMC marks are the exclusive properties of BMC Software, Inc. and are registered or may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or in other countries. ©Copyright 2020 BMC Software, Inc.
BMC—Run and Reinvent
Editorial contact:
Jannelle Allong-Diakabana
[email protected]