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Compuware’s Acquisition of MVS Solutions Advances Its Leadership of Mainframe Renaissance

Popular ThruPut Manager® Batch Automation Extends Enterprise Customers’
Cross-Platform DevOps Capabilities

  • Batch processing accounts for up to 50 percent of mainframe workloads, providing essential back-end digital capabilities for major industries such as banking, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare and retail.
  • Intensifying demands on batch workloads make it more important than ever to control costs and ensure fulfillment of SLAs—even as IBM z platform responsibilities are passed to less mainframe-experienced staff. .
  • Compuware is addressing this critical enterprise need by acquiring MVS Solutions and its popular ThruPut Manager® batch automation software, which is widely used by the world’s largest corporations.
  • This acquisition is Compuware’s fourth in the last year and solidifies its position as the leader of a mainframe renaissance bringing Agile, DevOps and Millennial-friendly management to the platform.

DETROIT – January 4, 2017 – Compuware Corporation today announced the acquisition of MVS Solutions and its popular ThruPut Manager® mainframe batch automation technology. The acquisition, Compuware’s fourth in the last year, solidifies the company’s position as the leader of a mainframe renaissance, that is bringing Agile, DevOps and Millennial-friendly management to the IBM z platform.

Batch processing accounts for the majority of peak mainframe workloads at large enterprises, providing essential back-end digital capabilities for customer-, employee- and partner-facing mobile, cloud and web applications. As demands on these back-end mainframe batch processes intensify in terms of scale and performance, enterprises are under increasing pressure to ensure compliance with SLAs and control costs.

These challenges are exacerbated by the fact that responsibility for batch management is rapidly being shifted from platform veterans with decades of experience in mainframe operations to Millennial ops staff who are unfamiliar with batch management—and who find native IBM z Systems management tools arcane and impractical. As a result, enterprises are at risk of critical batch operations failing, being delayed, or generating excessive peak utilization costs.

Compuware’s newly acquired ThruPut Manager solution addresses these challenges by automatically and intelligently optimizing the processing of batch jobs—which can easily number in the tens to hundreds of thousands. More specifically, ThruPut Manager:

  •  Provides immediate, intuitive insight into batch processing that even inexperienced operators can readily understand
  •  Makes it easy to prioritize batch processing based on business-based policies and goals
  •  Ensures proper batch execution by verifying that jobs have all the resources they need and proactively managing resource contention between jobs
  •  Dramatically reduces customers’ IBM Monthly Licensing Charges (MLC) by minimizing rolling four-hour average (R4HA) processing peaks without counter-productive “soft capping”

In conjunction with Strobe, Compuware’s industry-leading mainframe application performance management solution, ThruPut Manager also makes it easy to optimize batch workload and application performance as part of everyday mainframe DevOps tasks. These solutions lead to more efficiency and better throughput resulting in a shorter batch workload and lower processing capacity. These benefits also support better cross-platform DevOps, since distributed and cloud applications often depend on back-end mainframe batch processing.

“Compuware is the perfect home for ThruPut Manager and MVS Solutions’ customers,” said MVS Solutions Officer and Vice President Murray L. Martin. “Compuware has demonstrated both a unique understanding of the new challenges mainframe owners face as mainframe workloads are increasingly driven by complex cross-platform applications and a unique commitment to addressing those challenges.”

Compuware’s acquisition of MVS Solutions follows on the heels of three acquisitions made in 2016: ISPW’s Source Code Management (SCM) and Deployment technology, Itegration’s SCM migration practice, and most recently COPE IMS virtualization technology from Standardware. Compuware has also been releasing innovative new mainframe DevOps solutions at an unprecedented quarterly pace for more than two years. And it has forged high-value partnerships and integrations with a wide range of leading DevOps vendors including AppDynamics, Atlassian, BMC, ConicIT, Correlog, CPT Global, Dynatrace, Jenkins, Slack, SEA, SonarSource, Splunk, Syncsort and XebiaLabs.

Cumulatively, these actions empirically demonstrate Compuware’s unmatched leadership of a mainframe renaissance that is key to the digital competitiveness of large global enterprises.

“No large enterprise can nimbly and efficiently respond to the ever-changing demands of the digital market unless its mainframe environment—including all of its core applications and databases—can be nimbly and efficiently adapted to those same demands,” said Compuware CEO Chris O’Malley. “With the acquisition of MVS Solutions, Compuware is once again demonstrating that we will do everything possible to ensure that our mainframe customers can achieve this essential mainframe modernization.”

Compuware today also announced Topaz for Total Test, which brings dramatically greater agility to mainframe application development by providing enterprise IT with unprecedented COBOL unit testing capabilities.

Compuware Corporation

Compuware empowers the world’s largest companies to excel in the digital economy by fully leveraging their high-value mainframe investments. We do this by delivering highly innovative solutions that uniquely enable IT professionals with mainstream skills to manage mainframe applications, data, and platform operations. Learn more at compuware.com.

Press Contact

Kristina LeBlanc, The Medialink Group, kristinawleblanc@gmail.com, (508) 930-5636
Mary McCarthy, Public Relations Manager, Compuware, mary.mccarthy@compuware.com, (313) 227-7088

For Sales and Marketing Information

Compuware Corporation, One Campus Martius, Detroit MI 48226, 800-266-7892, www.compuware.com.