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Version 23.1.00

Updated: Jan-12-2023

Release Notes

Integrate New Relic data into BMC Helix

Integrate events, metrics, and topology from New Relic into BMC Helix Operations Management, AIOps and BMC Helix Discovery. Enable continuous collection as per default or custom frequencies. New Relic events and metrics are consumed by BMC Helix Operations Management and topology can be viewed in BMC Helix Discovery.

Integrate New Relic data into BMC Helix

Integrate events, metrics, and topology from New Relic into BMC Helix Operations Management, AIOps and BMC Helix Discovery. Enable continuous collection as per default or custom frequencies. New Relic events and metrics are consumed by BMC Helix Operations Management and topology can be viewed in BMC Helix Discovery.

Key Features

  • Connect New Relic with BMC Helix Platform to get events, metrics and topology data.
  • Customize various data collections parameters as per your business need.
  • View metrics and events in BMC Helix Operations Management and view topology in BMC Helix Discovery
  • Leverage AI/ML based AIOps to get actionable insights based on the collected data.

Supporting Documentation

BMC Documentation