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Updated: Sep-21-2023

HappySignals Ticket-based IT Experience

HappySignals IT Experience Management Platform helps enterprises to manage employee experiences with IT.

IT leaders get a real-time understanding of how employees are experiencing IT services, and can make data-driven decisions to improve employee happiness and productivity.

HappySignals Ticket-based IT Experience

HappySignals IT Experience Management Platform helps enterprises to manage employee experiences with IT.

IT leaders get a real-time understanding of how employees are experiencing IT services, and can make data-driven decisions to improve employee happiness and productivity.

Key Features

  • Quantify end-user happiness and productivity for all IT areas, and understand why end-users are unhappy or losing time
  • Get a continuous stream of reliable and comparable experience data across all of IT
  • Effortless real-time data reporting straight from the platform
  • Intuitive drill-down analytics to identify focus areas
  • Global Benchmarks and IT Support Profiles
  • Built-in Experience Level Agreement (XLA) Management
  • Intuitive platform interface designed to be used by anyone