Create BMC Helix ITSM incidents from AppDynamics alerts
Create an incident in BMC Helix ITSM for an AppDynamics alert, as defined by an AppDynamics policy. Any subsequent alerts on that policy are updated in the incident. Only one incident is created per policy, regardless of the number or type of health rules on the policy.
Requires a BMC Helix iPaaS Jitterbit subscription and administrator rights for BMC Helix ITSM, BMC Helix Multi-Cloud Broker, and AppDynamics. Leverages standard API authentication in both solutions.

Create BMC Helix ITSM incidents from AppDynamics alerts
Create an incident in BMC Helix ITSM for an AppDynamics alert, as defined by an AppDynamics policy. Any subsequent alerts on that policy are updated in the incident. Only one incident is created per policy, regardless of the number or type of health rules on the policy.
Requires a BMC Helix iPaaS Jitterbit subscription and administrator rights for BMC Helix ITSM, BMC Helix Multi-Cloud Broker, and AppDynamics. Leverages standard API authentication in both solutions.
Key Features
- When an alert for a defined policy is created in AppDynamics, a corresponding incident is created in BMC Helix ITSM
- Subsequent alerts raised by the same policy will be automatically updated in the original BMC Helix ITSM incident
Licensing Information
Please contact your BMC representative for licensing the solution.
Product Version Requirements/Compatibility
BMC Helix ITSM – 21.08 and later