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Version 22.1.06

Updated: Jan-17-2024

Release Notes

BMC Helix Data Manager Migration Packs for Helix Service Management

A Migration Pack contains the instructions that are passed to the BMC Helix Data Manager Engine when you perform data import and export operations for Helix Service Management Suite. A Migration Pack is linked to a particular source and target Data Dictionary and can be used to migrate data between any two systems that are linked to those data dictionaries.

BMC Helix Data Manager Migration Packs for Helix Service Management

A Migration Pack contains the instructions that are passed to the BMC Helix Data Manager Engine when you perform data import and export operations for Helix Service Management Suite. A Migration Pack is linked to a particular source and target Data Dictionary and can be used to migrate data between any two systems that are linked to those data dictionaries.

Key Features

  • Data Import and Export
  • Merge 

Licensing Information

Please contact your BMC representative for licensing the solution.

Supporting Documentation

BMC Documentation

Product Version Requirements / Compatibility

Please refer to the documentation for the compatibility information.