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Updated: Aug-14-2023

BeyondTrust BeyondInsight and Password Safe for BMC Helix ITSM

You can export asset data from BeyondInsight to your BMC Helix ITSM server. Before you can configure the integration with BeyondInsight, your Helix system must already have forms created to accept asset information.

You can also export Password Safe events, such as new and changed managed systems and accounts, password requests, approvals, and password retrievals. You can also integrate Helix ITSM with the Password Safe ticket system.

BeyondTrust BeyondInsight and Password Safe for BMC Helix ITSM

You can export asset data from BeyondInsight to your BMC Helix ITSM server. Before you can configure the integration with BeyondInsight, your Helix system must already have forms created to accept asset information.

You can also export Password Safe events, such as new and changed managed systems and accounts, password requests, approvals, and password retrievals. You can also integrate Helix ITSM with the Password Safe ticket system.

Key Features

To configure BeyondInsight and Password Safe with ITSM, you must do the following:  

  • Create a connector in BeyondInsight to your Helix server.
  • Create a smart group with parameters configured to include the assets and data that you want to export to the Remedy system.
  • Create a functional account and ticket system (if integrating with Password Safe ticket system).

Licensing Information

Please contact your BMC representative for licensing the solution.

BMC Partner Website
