Customer success Stories

Leading commercial truck manufacturer harnesses big data to improve efficiency and uptime

Industry Transportation



data records daily


X faster

creation of actionable data



savings in work time

Customer success Stories

Leading commercial truck manufacturer harnesses big data to improve efficiency and uptime

Industry Transportation



data records daily


X faster

creation of actionable data



savings in work time


Video: Control-M Customer Testimonial: Navistar Uses the Power of Big Data to Reduce Vehicle Downtime (1:24)

Business Challenge

Navistar, a leading manufacturer of commercial trucks, buses, defense vehicles, and engines, uses big data to generate new, value-added services that empower truck drivers and improve vehicle uptime. This starts with its OnCommand™ Connection remote diagnostics system, which captures data from over a dozen telematics providers to create 20 million data records per day. To aggregate, normalize, move, and process this data, big data teams were spending significant time and resources moving data and running scripts manually. They needed a faster, more efficient way to get that job done.

BMC Solution

Control-M for Big Data automates and manages complex workflows and large-scale data moves by speeding the consolidation of data from internal and external sources and moving it into Hadoop for analysis.

Business Impact

Control-M manages Navistar’s day-to-day business operations, performing tasks such as database updates, data extractions, updates to price and parts masters, integration with distribution center and warehouse management systems, and financial reporting. With Control-M for Hadoop, the staff now manages job streams for big data projects using the same solution that supports its other critical business processes.

  • Previously, two engineers worked full time collecting and transforming OnCommand data. Now the task is done automatically and immediately.
  • Control-M saves engineers 20% of their work time by automatically collecting and reporting on the results of cybersecurity vulnerability scans.
  • Application developers are now actively engaged in job scheduling, freeing up schedulers’ time for strategic activities.
In the connected vehicle age, our vision for big data is to add a new dimension of insight-driven service…We’ve just begun to tap the power of Control-M to help us use big data to enhance remote diagnostics, improve vehicle quality, and protect critical resources from unauthorized access, among other initiatives.

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