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Support Privacy Policy

In the course of providing its Support Services, BMC collects and processes personal information related to its Customers.

BMC places a high priority on protecting personal data in accordance with its Controller and Processor Data Protection Binding Corporate Rules Policies, to be found at www.bmc.com (the “BCR Policies”) and which has been approved by the European data protection authorities.

The BCR Policies requires all BMC entities, employees and third-party processors to comply with and respect the BCR Policies  which is governing the collection, use, access, storage and transfer of personal data among BMC entities and third-party sub-processors worldwide.

BMC is committed to complying with applicable data protection regulations, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and UK GDPR (Data Protection Act 2018)

1. Customer Contact Information

BMC collects and processes contact and related information (“Customer Contact Information”).

BMC: (i) allows its Customers to access, modify, correct or erase Customer Contact Information when necessary; (ii) takes reasonable technical and organizational security measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of Customer Contact Information and to prevent its unauthorized access, use, or disclosure; and (iii) refrains from using Customer Contact Information for any purpose other than performing its Support obligations.

Customer Contact Information is processed by BMC and its third-party Support Providers according to Customer Instructions, for the duration of the provision of BMC Support Services as defined in Customer Agreement and for as long as Customer has a valid support contract with BMC. Access to Customer Contact Information is strictly limited to BMC’s Support, IT, R&D, Sales and Marketing teams.

2. Content of Submitted Support Cases

The content of the Submitted Support Cases (including attachments), provided by Customer to BMC during BMC’s provision of Support Services may be used by BMC to provide support to Customer. It may also be used for training and related purposes to enhance BMC’s ability to provide support in the future.

BMC neither requires nor needs its Customers to send personal data collected by Customer (“Customer Collected Data”) to BMC. Consequently, Customers remain responsible for either filtering, making anonymous and/or encrypting such Customer Collected Data or for having proper procedures in place to prevent Customer Collected Data from being sent to or accessed by BMC.

Customers who need to send personal data, or sensitive or confidential information shall ask a BMC Customer Support representative to provide a secure transfer method and/or recommend file encryption.

The content of Submitted Support Cases (including attachments) is processed by BMC and its third-party Support Providers, according to Customer Instructions and for the duration of the provision of BMC Support Services as defined in Customer Agreement and for as long as Customer has a valid support contract with BMC. Access to such content is strictly limited to BMC’s Support, IT, R&D, Sales and Marketing teams. 

3. Phone Support

Phone calls between Customer and BMC for the provision of Support Services may be recorded by BMC for quality assurance and training purposes. Customer is informed that those recordings may be used for training and other related purposes to enhance BMC’s ability to provide Support in the future. Customer may request that the phone calls not be recorded.

Recordings are processed by BMC and its third-party Support Providers according to Customer Instructions and for the duration of the provision of BMC Support Services, as defined in Customer Agreement and for as long as Customer has a valid support contract with BMC. Access to such recordings is strictly limited to BMC’s Support and R&D teams.

4. Remote Support Sessions

For the purpose of rendering efficient and timely Support Services, it may be in the interest of both parties that BMC remotely access Customer’s computer (“Remote Support Sessions”). Should this be the case, Customer shall expressly grant such remote access to BMC’ Support teams by checking a box in a pop-up window when prompted to do so, prior to any access being granted. If and when such case happens, Customer can end the Remote Support Session at any time.

BMC neither requires nor needs its Customers to give BMC access to any personal data when remotely accessing Customer’s computer.

Remote Support Sessions may be recorded by BMC for quality assurance and training purposes. Customer is informed that those records may be used for training and other related purposes to enhance BMC’s ability to provide Support in the future. Customer may request that the Remote Support Sessions not be recorded.

Recordings are processed by BMC and its third-party Support Providers according to Customer Instructions and for the duration of the provision of BMC Support Services, as defined in Customer Agreement and for as long as Customer has a valid support contract with BMC. Access to such records is strictly limited to BMC Support and R&D teams.

5. Hosted Services

In order to provide Support Services to Customers using BMC Hosted Services, BMC may access records of technical events (“Log Files”) and Customer Data hosted on BMC servers (“Hosted Data”).

BMC and its third-party Support Providers will only access Log Files and Hosted Data to the extent it is strictly necessary to perform BMC Support Services, according to Customer Instructions and for as long as Customer has a valid support contract with BMC. At the end of Customer Support Services, BMC may access Hosted Data for the sole purpose of sending those Hosted Data back to the Customer, as per Customer’s Instructions and Agreement.

Access to such Log Files and Hosted Data is strictly limited to BMC’s Support and R&D teams. 

6. Premier Support Labs

With the provisioning of an internal BMC Lab environment on behalf of Premier Customers, BMC Premier Support will attempt to simulate the Customer’s BMC Solution Production environment. The Customer may elect to participate in the export/import of their Production Solution Database.

BMC neither requires nor needs its Customers to include personal data in their Production Solution Databases provided to BMC. Consequently, Customers remain responsible for either filtering, making anonymous and/or encrypting such personal data or for having proper procedures in place to prevent personal data from being sent to or accessed by BMC.

BMC will provide a secure method of transfer to obtain the Database. This can be either a proven, secure protocol for electronic transfer or via secure physical media sent to a location provided by BMC.

Once obtained, the Production Database will be imported into a secure internal Lab hosted by BMC and into the simulated BMC solution environment. Policies around secure transfer and import, strict access control, multi-factor authentication, data handling and eventual removal/destruction comply with BMC Data Privacy Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) and Customer Agreement.

Access to Production Solution Databases is strictly limited to BMC’s Support and R&D teams.

7. BMC AMI zAdviser

In order to support Customers using the BMC AMI zAdviser service, BMC may access Customer Data hosted on BMC servers (“Hosted Data”).

BMC will only access Hosted Data to the extent it is strictly necessary to perform the zAdviser service, according to Customer instructions and for as long as Customer has a valid contract with BMC.

Access to such Hosted Data is strictly limited to BMC’s Support and R&D teams. Customers may allow additional BMC teams to access their data, for getting advice and insight into the zAdviser data and their mainframe development efforts. Customers willing to get such advice and insight can open a support case with BMC Customer Support to allow the access.

Customers may utilize a BMC AMI zAdviser utility to obfuscate and encrypt  personal data such as user ids and email addresses. The utility will extract zAdviser data and convert it to a CSV file before returning it back to the customer administrator.  The administrator may browse the contents of the file prior to the utility securely transferring data to BMC, in an encrypted format.

At the end of the zAdviser service, BMC may access Hosted Data for the sole purpose of sending those Hosted Data back to the Customer, as per Customer’s instructions and Agreement.

Additional Support Centers

Upgrade Assistance

  • The BMC Assisted Migration Offering (AMIGO) program is designed to assist customers with the planning of product upgrades to a newer version – “Success through proper planning”.
  • Explore AMIGO Program ›