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Instructions for Electronic Software Download (ESD)

Welcome to the BMC Software electronic software distribution (ESD) site. This site provides access to BMC Software products, solutions, and maintenance. These electronic distribution files can be transferred to a mainframe environment and can be installed by using the OS/390 and z/OS Installer (the Installation System).You must have File Transfer Protocol (FTP) capability on your mainframe computer.

Note: The ESD site is password protected. You must have a user ID and password to access the site directly or by using the Installation System. To obtain an ESD user ID and password, contact your Customer Support representative


To install BMC Software products, solutions, or maintenance from the ESD site, you must download the base installation libraries and decompress them in your mainframe environment. The following instructions describe how to download the compressed base installation libraries.

Directions for decompressing the libraries are in the comment section of the file.

Submitting the file initiates the decompression process which creates the two data sets HLQ.bmc.install and HLQ.bmc.install.load .

Before you begin

For more information on using the Installation System, see your product installation and customization guides for your product.

Product installation and customization guides provide product-specific installation and customization information. Installation and customization guides are shipped with your order. You can also download documentation from the BMC Software Customer Support web site. Select your product from the A-Z Supported Product List, and download the documentation for your version of the product.

The current product tape listings and the current sample JCL for downloading from the ESD site are located at ftp://userid:[email protected]/bmc/esd/ozi.

Choosing a transfer method

Perform a binary transfer of the compressed file bmcozi-vnnnn-image.bin, nnnn is the version number of this release of the Installation System.

To transfer the file, choose one of the following transfer methods:

  • use FTP on the mainframe to copy the files directly to a Fixed Block 80 data set
  • use Distributed FTP  to copy the files to your site, then upload the files to the mainframe using distributed FTP scripting
  • use a Web browser to copy the files to your site, then upload the files to the mainframe

Note: If you use the FTP transfer method, sample JCL to download the base installation system is included with the instructions.

If you use the Web browser transfer method, you must complete the transfer to your mainframe by using a process of your choice. That process is not described in these instructions.

Downloading files directly to the mainframe by using FTP

To begin installation, download the base installation libraries from the FTP site:

Note: The sample JCL downloads a file from the FTP site to an MVS data set. Please refer to the FTP site for the JCL that retrieves the latest installation libraries.

  1. Ensure that the JCL is unnumbered; FTP reads all 80 characters.

  2. Set CAPS to OFF and NUM to OFF.

  3. Customize the JOBCARD to comply with your site's requirements.

    REGION parameter value 0M is required for this job.

    Warning: The FTP server is case sensitive. All data in the INPUT DD section must be entered in lowercase characters.
    • Provide data set information.
      Unit is required information. Volume and SMS Information are optional parameters. Change the parameters to your site's requirements, or delete the optional parameters. If all parameters on a line are deleted, the line must be deleted also.
    • Verify that the image file which is referenced in the sample JCL is the most recent file.
    • Change newDataSetName to a valid data set name for your site.
      This data set should not already exist; this job creates the data set when the binary image file is downloaded.

  4. Modify the INPUT DD section according to your requirements.

Note: All text between "<" and " />" symbols in the INPUT DD section represents parameters that you provide. Remove "<" and " />" symbols.

  1. Make any additional changes, such as providing proxy information, that may be required by your site to get outside your firewall.
  2. Submit the JCL to download the compressed libraries.
  3. When the job has been completed successfully, EDIT the data set that was downloaded from the FTP site and follow the instructions in the data set.
  4. Submit the edited JCL to decompress the base installation libraries.

Note: If adequate space has been allocated for your TSO session, you can submit the JCL from within the member. Otherwise, save your changes, exit the data set, and submit the data set (JCL) externally.
  1. Invoke the Installation System.
    Execute BMCINSTL from the base installation library; for example, HLQ.bmc.install(bmcinstl).

Note: HLQ is the high-level qualifier that is supplied in the decompression job. The default will be your TSO user ID.

To complete the installation, see the the installation guide for your product or solution and the associated release notes.

Transferring files by using your personal computer and a Web browser

To begin installation, download the base installation libraries:

  1. Using your browser, download the file bmcozi-vnnnn-image.bin from the BMC Software ESD site to your personal computer desktop.
    vnnnn is the current version of the base installation library file.

  2. Upload the file to your mainframe by using the transfer program of your choice.

Note: File transfer must meet the following requirements:
  • The transfer must be binary.
  • The data set on the mainframe must be a Fixed Block 80 sequential file.
  • Primary allocation must be set to 20 cylinders, and secondary allocation must be set to 2 cylinders.

  1. When the transfer has been completed successfully, edit the downloaded data set according to the instructions in the file.
  2. Submit the edited JCL to decompress the base installation libraries.

Note: If adequate space has been allocated for your TSO session, you can submit the JCL from within the member.  Otherwise, save your changes, exit the data set, and submit the data set (JCL) externally.
  1. Invoke the Installation System.
    Execute BMCINSTL from the base installation library; for example,HLQ.bmc.install(bmcinstl).

Note: HLQ is the high-level qualifier that is supplied in the decompression job. The default will be your TSO user ID.

To complete the installation, see the the installation guide for your product or solution and the associated release notes.

Transferring files by using your personal computer and Distributed FTP scripts

To begin installation, download the base installation libraries:

  1. Using your browser, download the file bmcozi-vnnnn-image.bin from the BMC Software ESD site to your personal computer desktop.
    vnnnn is the current version of the base installation library file.

  2. Upload the file to your mainframe by using the transfer program of your choice.

Note: File transfer must meet the following requirements:

  • The transfer must be binary.
  • The data set on the mainframe must be a Fixed Block 80 sequential file.
  • Primary allocation must be set to 20 cylinders, and secondary allocation must be set to 2 cylinders.

  1. When the transfer has been completed successfully, edit the downloaded data set according to the instructions in the file.
  2. Submit the edited JCL to decompress the base installation libraries.

Note: If adequate space has been allocated for your TSO session, you can submit the JCL from within the member.  Otherwise, save your changes, exit the data set, and submit the data set (JCL) externally.

  1. Invoke the Installation System.
    Execute BMCINSTL from the base installation library; for example, HLQ.bmc.install(bmcinstl).

Note: HLQ is the high-level qualifier that is supplied in the decompression job. The default will be your TSO user ID.

To complete the installation, see the the installation guide for your product or solution and the associated release notes.

Downloading SMP/E maintenance PUT files from the ESD site

To download SMP/E maintenance files from the ESD site, perform the following steps:

  1. Download and decompress the installation libraries by using the FTP transfer method or the Web browser method.
  2. Execute BMCINSTL from the base installation library to create the customized library and display the BMC Software Installation System Main Menu.
  3. At the BMC Software Installation System Main Menu, select Manage Repository/Profile and press Enter.
  4. Update a new or previously used Profile ID as required, and press Enter.
  5. Select User Options, and press Enter.
  6. Update the User Options as required.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. (optional) If you are using a newly defined Profile ID, select Product Install and press Enter.
    View the list, then press PF3 to return to the main menu.

Note: If you are using a Previously Used Profile ID containing the correct product and environment information that you are going to apply the maintenance to, go to Step 9.

  1. Select Additional Options, and press Enter.
  2. At the Additional Options Menu, select Product Maintenance, and press Enter.
  3. Update the Job Card information as required, and press Enter.
    If the Firewall panel is displayed, enter the same information for the firewall that you entered when you created the customized library in Step 2.
  4. Select all PUT maintenance files that you want to install from the ESD site, and press Enter.
    The installation system automatically builds JCL that will download all selected maintenance files to your system.

    If your firewall stopped the connection, the PUT selection screen shows a dummy PUT image. Select the dummy image so that the Installation System will set up a sample JCL. You can edit the sample JCL to use batch mode to make the FTP connection. You can also edit the sample JCL and use it with PUT images that are obtained manually.