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Knowledge Base Search Tips

Finding Your Answer Fast...

Use Favorite Products

For example: Login and configure your favorite products so search results are filtered to your products automatically

Enter a few selective search terms

For example: admin password reset

Use visual cues to decide which results to view

For example: Top Rated in Self Help and Most used by Agents as shown in this 2 minute video

Filter results after initial search results

For example: After reviewing the search results from the above query, you may want to filter to the Documentation page to reduce the results, or remain on the All page and filter the results to several products.

Remove filters to expand search scope

Click on the X next to the filtered values to remove the filter from the search results.

Use the special syntax characters in red in the table below to improve search results

Syntax Returns all rows Example
containing term
term1 term2
containing both term1 and term2
term1 OR term2
containing either term1 or term2
000107160 OR 000107018 to search for both article numbers
"term1 term2 term3"
containing exactly the phrase between double-quotes
"message not in catalog" to find results with the phrase
containing exactly term, not other words sharing the same root
+install to find results with “install” but not installer or installation
@date >= today
where date is today
@date > today -30d to find content modified in last 30 days
where product name includes term
@bmcproductname=PATROL to filter results to all products that contain PATROL in the name