// JOB (),'USER COMMENT', // CLASS=,MSGCLASS=, // TIME=1440,REGION=0M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* //******************************************************************** //* * //* DESCRIPTION: * //* This job downloads the Installation System image * //* and sample JCL to decompress the Installation System image. * //* * //* STEPS: * //* * //* 1. Customize the job cards to comply with your site requirements * //* * //* PARAMETER TO OVERRIDE/CHANGE: * //* --------------------------------------------------------------* //* Job Name - Change to a valid job name for * //* your site. * //* * //* Job Account - Change to a valid job account for * //* your site. * //* * //* Job Class - Change to a valid job class for * //* your site. * //* * //* Message Class - Change to a valid message class * //* for your site. * //* * //* 2. Modify the following step parameters to comply with your * //* site requirements. Remove any parameters that are not needed.* //* The syntax in the input DD is case sensitive. * //* * //* PARAMETER TO OVERRIDE/CHANGE: * //* --------------------------------------------------------------* //* * //* UNIT - Change to a valid DASD unit * //* for your site. * //* * //* VOLUME - Change to a valid VOLUME serial * //* number for YOUR SITE. * //* * //* SMS storage - CHANGE to a valid SMS * //* class storage class for your site. * //* * //* SMS management - CHANGE to a valid * //* class SMS management class for your site. * //* * //* SMS data class - Change to a valid SMS data * //* class for your site. * //* * //* Install Image - Change to name to * //* be allocated on your host system. * //* * //* Decompress JOB - Change to name to be * //* allocated on your host system. * //* * //* USS Path - Change to path name to be * //* used for control card and transfer of files * //* to your host system * //* * //* 4. Submit this JOB to SFTP requested files. * //* * //******************************************************************** //* //******************************************************************** //* * //* Pre-allocate files for the BMC Installation System Image and the * //* decompression sample JCL. * //* * //******************************************************************** //* //DSALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //DD1 DD DSN=, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // SPACE=(CYL,(50,5)), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=6160,LRECL=80,DSORG=PS), // UNIT=, // VOL=SER=, // DATACLAS=, // MGMTCLAS=, // STORCLAS= //* //DD2 DD DSN=, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=6160,LRECL=80,DSORG=PS), // UNIT=, // VOL=SER=, // DATACLAS=, // MGMTCLAS=, // STORCLAS= //* //******************************************************************** //* * //* Copy download syntax and logon credential information to USS * //* mount point directory for use by the SFTP step * //* * //******************************************************************** //COPYSTEP EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,COND=(4,LT) //INZOS1 DD * binary lcd / cd /bmc/esd/ozi get bmcozi-v31100-image.bin bmcozi-v31100-image !cp -B bmcozi-v31100-image "//''" !rm bmcozi-v31100-image ascii get inst_dcmp_sample_jcl.txt inst_dcmp_sample_jcl !cp -F crnl inst_dcmp_sample_jcl "//''" !rm inst_dcmp_sample_jcl !rm BMCInstImageDwld !rm askpass.sh /* //OUTHFS1 DD PATH='//BMCInstImageDwld', // PATHDISP=(KEEP,DELETE), // PATHOPTS=(OWRONLY,OCREAT), // PATHMODE=(SIRUSR,SIWUSR,SIRWXU) //* //INZOS2 DD * #!/bin/bash echo SuRfing2 /* //OUTHFS2 DD PATH='//askpass.sh', // PATHDISP=(KEEP,DELETE), // PATHOPTS=(OWRONLY,OCREAT), // PATHMODE=(SIRUSR,SIWUSR,SIRWXU) //* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * OCOPY INDD(INZOS1) OUTDD(OUTHFS1) TEXT CONVERT(YES) PATHOPTS(USE) OCOPY INDD(INZOS2) OUTDD(OUTHFS2) TEXT CONVERT(YES) PATHOPTS(USE) /* //******************************************************************** //* * //* SFTP download step to acquire the Installation System image * //* and the sample decompress JCL. * //* * //******************************************************************** //SFTP EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH, // PARM=('sh sftp -vvv mainframe@filedownload.bmc.com') //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //STDOUT DD SYSOUT=* //STDERR DD SYSOUT=* //STDIN DD PATH='//BMCInstImageDwld' //* //STDENV DD * DISPLAY=FOO SSH_ASKPASS=//askpass.sh QUIT /* //